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London is host to a variety of major sporting events, which is no small surprise considering Londoners are avid fans of sports.
London ‘s favorite sport is, without a doubt, football, otherwise known as soccer in other parts of the world. The World’s Favorite Pastime has a special place in the hearts of the British, which should not come as a surprise as the sport was born in the mid-19 th century in various independent schools in England. Though the rules were far from universally adopted at the time, football’s growth was rapid and the number of clubs increased every year. In 1882, the International Football Association Board (IFAB) was formed and it laid down the rules of the game as we know it today, and it organized the first ever international football tournament, the British Home Championship.
Many of the top Premier League teams call London their home. Here is a list of Premier League teams and where soccer fans may see them in action. (Note: it may be a good idea to call the respective stadiums before paying a visit).